Take the Pledge

Take the pledge to:  Educate Ourselves and Others So We Can Make Knowledgeable Food Choices

Take the Connecticut Eats Local pledge to help build more engaged, healthy, and sustainable communities by:

  • educating yourself about the food you eat:  where it comes from, who grows it, and how it is grown; 
  • making food choices based on the knowledge you gain from educating yourself about our food; and
  • educating others about our food in a non-intrusive manner so that others can make knowledgeable food choices.

**Take this pledge by posting a comment in the comments section of this page that include the words "I pledge" and then becoming a follower by clicking on the "Follow" link!**


  1. I PLEDGE to buy directly from farmers whenever possible by shopping at farmers' markets and farm stands!

  2. I PLEDGE to encourage my favorite restaurants to use local products and to support them once they make the switch.
